If You Don’t Take Care of Yourself Someone Else Will

Suburban Girl

Image via Wikipedia

If Archie isn’t going to take care of himself someone else will.

Whoever wrote that line, should have written the rest of the script of Suburban Girl (2007).  The movie moved from something I couldn’t believe I was watching, to worth it; just to hear those words.

If Sana isn’t going to take care of herself someone else will.

Taking care of ourselves is what we have to participate in freedom.  Not taking care of ourselves is as much as saying, “Here.  Take my freedom and make my choices for me.”

Self-Care Tip:  Take your freedoms back by taking care of yourself.

Question:  What does your name sound like in this space?  “If _________ isn’t going to take care of herself/himself someone else will.”  And what does that mean when read that way?  Keep on.

11 thoughts on “If You Don’t Take Care of Yourself Someone Else Will

  1. When ever relationships would end the soon to be ex girl friend would always say “Take care of yourself Carl” as breakups were usually amicable. I have finally understood what that advice and good wishes mean: it means you have to take care of yourself, be kind and respectful of yourself and as you present be a friend to yourself.

  2. This is so amazingly true. I have known so many who neglected themselves, often in favor of doing for everyone else, and who ended up in a position of ill health, either physical, emotional or both. Then there are those who are not necessarily caretakers for others, but who neglect their own needs because they have poor self-esteem and don’t think they are important enough. As we age, we often have choices taken from us and that is sad, but we can indeed take charge and keep our right to a reasonable amount of self-determination if we practice good self-care before we ever reach that stage.

    I tell people all the time to take good care of themselves. What I must do., though, is look in the mirror daily and tell that to myself!

  3. The final straw that sent me into the abyss of my nervous breakdown was someone asking, after I had listed off all of the responsibilities clogging up my week, “Who is Nancy?” I couldn’t answer. I just sat for a few moments and then I cried…for another four years or more at least!! I was a wife, a mother, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a teacher, a church member (on multiple committees), a member of three other organization (President of one and Vice President of another), a bridge player (to make money for Goodwill), an artist (trying to sell my artwork to help with expenses at home). I had no idea who Nancy was; I don’t think I had ever known who she was. She was the 52 year old woman who was all of the above and never thought she deserved time for herself.

    Over the last eighteeen years (many, many of which have been in therapy and on more medications than I can count) I have learned who Nancy is and I can put her in your sentence and say, “If Nancy isn’t taking care of herself, no one else can…at least not as well as Nancy can because Nancy is the best friend she’s got if she just learns to be one to herself.” If anyone else takes care of her then, you’re right. She loses her freedom…and her identity! Not ever again!!

    • concern about the reputation of the physician is i believe large in importance. it brings accountability of treatment back to the individual where even the physician should know that it is. The physicians accountability is all to plain by culture and h/o practice. the burgeoning understanding in our culture and time is the accountability of the individual w/i any unit-relationship. very cool nancy. thank u for saying this. u said so many lovely thoughts in fact, and as always, our pleasure connecting w u persists. keep on.

  4. Taking care of self…easier said than done when you are a caregiver. Yet in a ‘strange’ kid of way, the best caregivers are the ones who are in touch with their needs and realty so that they efficiently care for others. Kind of like being a friend to yourself!

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