Planning helps, even on vacation

A boy in a children's swimming pool.

A boy in a children’s swimming pool. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is amazing how little time there is to write when living through a day as perfectly uncomplicated as string cheese, reading books and guarding the swimming pool.  In between this higher living, I have been thinking and thunking about what we will say to the university folk about psychiatry, but it has been as if space got in the way of clear thought.

I took a nap, but when I awoke, although rested, there it was.  The space and timelessness of no schedule plugged up whatever clever thoughts were waiting to come.  It was like those expensive tires that patch themselves when you ride your bike over a nail.  I imagine there is green foamy stuff all over my brain, stopping up holes where super thoughts might have tried to pass through.  And before it could be clearly grasped that this was not accidental, that these thoughts were wanted, indeed solicited and not hot air, wouldn’t you know it!  The day is over and I am flattened.

And so for tomorrow I am planning, rather than hoping.  I plan to write.  And I know when too!  And it will not disallow the necessary open space.  I will write and have my space with it.  My cake and eat it, you know, or some other sort of adage to explain that planning can enhance and add much flavor to the space of time around us.

Self-Care Tip:  Plan for what you want to do.

Question:  How does planning improve or diminish your space?  Please tell us your story.

4 thoughts on “Planning helps, even on vacation

  1. Planning and organizing help me from going nuts and feeling disorganized and helps me feel like I have some control in a chaotic situation. Over the past few months I have been learning, or attempting to learn to balance planning and organization and “flowing”.

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