When I am an old psychiatrist

When I am an old psychiatrist, I’ll be looking at you through my purple eye folds, with my wrinkled pressed lips, eyeglasses pushed tightly to my face, pride propping up my several chins, incensed with the smells of my own medicated dying body.

Proud of you. Proud of me. Not the kind of pride that squashes humility. For what have we to be proud of if we live without Grace. We will still be receiving what we have done nothing to deserve. The kind of pride that says,

There is Love.

There is one who has suffered and healed and hurt and lived well.

We will have made a lot of mistakes. We will have made and continue to make amends.

The kind of pride that kids pressed shoulder-to-shoulder know of when the spinning roundabout slows down. We will be able to hear,

Here is one in whom I am well pleased.

We will hear that and not be ashamed.


6 thoughts on “When I am an old psychiatrist

  1. So angry and unhappy. My doctor’s nurse who makes the blood results calls is such a dismissive, snotty flippant little_____________ and her disrespect has been going on for several years. I spoke to him about it and he understood but explained there is not much quality here in Miami from which to hire. Little Miss Priss pissed me off for last time Friday. I went to his office Monday and discussed with doctor and I have decided to move on for new primary. We’ve watched each other grow old and gray. He has been my pcp for 30 years.

    People come, people go, things change, we must adjust and adapt. As friend to myself I understand we are to have tolerance but not tolerate the intolerable and that things change and that we must take control of our own destiny to the degree to which that is possible.

    • Carl, this grieves me. I’ve thought of your situation all week. looked hard at my own practice and the people i work w and know i/we fall short as well. it is a tough condition. keep me posted on where your wanderings take u. it is not comfortable to reestablish medical care.
      also, for our benefits, would u tell us about the ideal patient-dr/staff relationship you seek? I’d luv to hear about it and improve.

  2. It’s nice to meet you over here, Sana. I came by way of a recommendation by one of your followers, Carl D’Agostino. He said you were a self-help practitioner in a comment to one of my posts “Self Help: How’s It Working For You?”.

    I like your site and looks like we have a lot in common and the same philosophies. I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.

    • Hello Pat!~ so fun to connect with you! Thank you very much for reaching out. I love working with Carl, here at FriendtoYourself, and on his amazing comic strip site as well. I’m honored. Please speak loud and often. Keep on.

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