NAMI Riverside Group – connection

The NAMI Western Riverside Peer Support Group will have a special guest speaker, Sana Quijada, M.D. Dr. Quijada will speak on the bio-psycho-social model in approaching self care. We are inviting all that want to come.

Date: Thursday, May 30
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Location: 4095 County Circle Drive, Riverside

Besides speaking, Dr. Quijada is author of the book, Friend to Yourself: Sleep, and the principal writer on the blog, She believes that self-care is not weak but rather courageous. It brings us to humble accountability for our lives, not seeking to erase our history but still reminding us that we are free to start over any time.

Dr. Quijada is a board certified psychiatrist having completed psychiatry and fellowships at Harvard Southshore. She is currently the medical director of two facilities, the Loma Linda University Partial Hospital Program of Murrieta and the University Surgery Center, Department of ECT. She is known for her focus on being a friend to yourself.

The mission of FriendtoYourself is to define, teach and learn self-care, attack guilt, stand up to shame, live as we choose despite stigma and work harder than we ever have on perhaps the hardest job of our lives.
I hope you’ll consider joining us in this special speaking event.

Amanda Wilbur
NAMI Western Riverside Affiliate
Riverside Peer Support Group Facilitator