Putting Out and Getting Creative

putting out

Hello friends. I’d like to write more to you. I’m grateful for what I am able to write though. In turn, I’m grateful for your comments. And…I’d love to hear more! But you, like I, might experience difficulties in getting the words out.

Finding “my voice” is sometimes like finding the other sock, a frustrating endeavor that the Universe conspires to obscure. Sometimes we get the best of Her, and match the pair, twinkle toes and all, only to be out, vulnerable to the spin cycle all over again.

My favorite book of all time on this topic is, Bird by Bird, which you’ve probably already devoured before hearing from me. But you might be thinking about your spoken voice, rather than written voice, of course. However, knowing that these share waters, this book by Anne Lamott may still resonate.

I hope you are not frustrated or losing steam. You are important. Keep talking. Keep writing. And, Keep on.

Self-Care Tip: Keep putting yourself out there. Speak. Write. And Keep on.

Question: What helps you write, and speak, and put out into the world creatively? What helps you give of your thoughts?